My intentions…

In this blog, I am going to talk about my experience with weight loss and getting fit.

There’s not going to be some beauty cake shit slapped on top, so, this is it from a real perspective of the highs and lows of my journey.

I haven’t always been a big girl, I put it on quickly over a couple years recently and started last year with getting it back off.

It was no trouble putting it on, but it’s not all carb-less cakes and protein shakes getting it off!
I think this is where the biggest misconception is about weight loss. If you want to keep it off – do it right! The right way, in my opinion (both unqualified and potentially bias), is to increase exercise and eat right and healthy. As cliche as that is, there is no machine, pill or other advertised crap that is going to get you the results both long-term and short-term like getting off that ass and moving it!

Some brief reasoning is;
Not eating at a healthy rate – yes, you can play starvation stations and not eat enough. This will get you results but is it healthy or maintainable?
Say you may make it to your goal weight, but will your skin be firmer than it could have been if you worked out? Will you put it all back on when you increase your intake after your body is used to so little then it goes straight back on?

I’m no trainer, scientist or nutritionist but it doesn’t take a genius to work out why so many put it back on after using the starvation method. Plus this method is NOT FUN. Not eating is boring as hell, and if you are a foodie, just bugger that. I’d rather eat a muffin and do a walk afterwards than be served an empty plate!

I’ve done the starvation thing and it went straight back on, whether that was my lack of will power or just because it wasn’t healthy, well anyone can judge. My experience is with hiring a trainer and really getting fit has been better than anything I’ve tried.

This time around I hired a trainer, I work out at home and I choose what I eat.
At rock bottom, I started with less self-confidence than a mute parrot, I have felt my confidence change my life in this past year like I couldn’t  have imagined.

I can’t promise anything from this blog, no motivation starter, no secret to success but what I can promise is that it is a real view, the ups and downs, it will be erratic, unorganised chaos that will just babble out onto the keyboard.


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